Forgive them father for they know not what they do
Beware the false motives of others
Be careful of those who pretend to be brothers
And you never suppose it's those who are closest to you
They say all the right things to gain their position
Then use your kindness as their ammunition
To shoot you down in the name of ambition, they do
Forgive them father for they know not what they do
Why every Indian wanna be the chief?
Feed a man 'til he's full and he still want beef
Give me grief, try to tief (steal) off my piece
Why for you to increase, I must decrease?
If I treat you kindly does it mean that I'm weak
You hear me speak and think I won't take it to the streets
I know enough cats that don't turn the other cheek
But I try to keep it civilized like Menelik
And other African czars observing stars with war scars
Get yours in this capitalistic system
So many caught or got bought you can't list them
How gonna idolize the missing?
To survive is to stay alive in the face of opposition
Even when they comin', gunnin'
I stand position
L's known the mission since conception
Let's free the people from deception
If you looking for answers
Then you gotta ask the questions
And when I let go, my voice echoes through the ghetto
Sick of men trying to pull strings like Gepetto
Why black people always be the ones to settle
March through these streets like Soweto
Like Cain and Abel, Caesar and Brutus, Jesus and Judas
Backstabbers do this
Forgive them father for they know not what they do
It took me a little while to discover
Wolves in sheep coats who pretend to be lovers
Men who lack conscience will even lie to themselves
A friend once said, and I found to be true
That everyday people, they lie to God too
So what makes you think, that they won't like to you to?
Forgive them father for they know not what they do
I fell in love with this lyric to her song that Lauren Hill wrote I think it speaks truth
of what goes in this world. I hope you enjoyed it! <3
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Don't make broken promises.....
Okay what I hate the most and I'm sure a lot of people can relate to, is when someone promises something to you and they don't mount up to that promise. I don't ask for people to get me anything anymore now that I'm an adult I can just get the stuff myself. But when someone offers to buy you something when you didn't ask if they could get it for you they just hear you talking about something and then they go ''Oh I'll get it for you I promise ;-)''. And you think to yourself 'Oh that's sweet I didn't ask them to get me something and they offered it' but then they never do. They just say something like ''Oh I was busy, or ''I forgot I had so much on my mind''. And a few days go by still no present, weeks go by still no present so your just left with this empty promise inside and it doesn't make you feel good as a person when someone does that. It just plain out rude to trick someone in to making believe your getting them something when your NOT!
I had a couple a friends and a mom who did that to me many times before and I don't like it. I don't like being lied to, being deceived feeling betrayed basically. If your not going to get anyone a present DON'T PROMISE IT! Simple as that your just going to make yourself look like a douche bag, a liar, a person who can't be trusted anymore.
I remember I had this one friend who I didn't talk to in a long time before cause she can just be so annoying with her calls. She would call me all the time during the day when I'm busy so I had to lose contact with her on purpose so I wouldn't get anymore calls. And so a few years go by and I did miss her I don't know why I guess it could be that we grew up together and I have a lot of my middle school memories with her. So anyways I find her on Facebook and add her as a friend I give her my phone number she calls it the next day and we start talking for a long time. And she asked for my address at first I wasn't sure if I should cause I don't want her stalking me cause sometimes she can be a little bit like that lol. But she says that she has something for me and she been keeping it for a time like this and that she was going to buy me some more things to put in the box. So I gave in and gave it to her so months go by and I still don't have my present I'm thinking to myself ''like wtf where's my damn present'' So she asks for my address again and finally I just said 'No I'm not giving it to you again so what? You can lose it again and then keep asking? No just look for it!'' And so that when she stopped asking for it and I still don't have my damn present and it been a year now.
I also have another friend that did what she did except this was before that other thing even started. This friend I won't give her name but I will say she was never a nice girl she a spoiled little brat that gets everything she wants and everything her way in life. I never liked her but I always had to put up with her spoiled little daddy's girl way, ughh. She says to me on the phone one day out of no where cause I remember thinking to myself this is random I never asked for anything and here she is saying she has something to send me. Now this was when my birthday had passed and she said to me at that time that this was a gift for me for my birthday that she missed out cause she didn't even call me on that day or even the week after. So I got a little excited cause she made it sound like I was going to like it and it was going to be good. She never sent it, NEVER EVEN HAD ANYTHING for me. I was so mad and so pist off cause it was the way said it and how she said it. I wanted to kill that stupid long haired, skanky wearing clothes, always gets what she wants BITCH!
If there's a lesson to be learned it NOT to trust anyone not even yourfriends when they tell you they got something for you or that they promise to get you anything. I know my lessons learned I'm never going to trust or believe anyone when they tell me they have something for me or that there going to give a present. Cause I won't believe it until I see it if it not here right in front of me than I know that your just a two faced, lying, douche bag, that won't even be trusted by me ever again. And if there was something you wanted or any kind of help I won't ever help you or think of getting you something at all ever again. You can count on that!
To all the people who lie or like to make believe your going to send someone a gift here a thought you can think of, How would you like to be treated? Is this what you want someone to do to you? Than when the same shit happens to you of what you did to someone on how you treated them don't complain just smile cause it that karma's wonderful way of saying ''what goes around comes around'' Now that something I can live with! You gotta love karma. ^_^
Remember: Treat others on how you would want to be treated.
I had a couple a friends and a mom who did that to me many times before and I don't like it. I don't like being lied to, being deceived feeling betrayed basically. If your not going to get anyone a present DON'T PROMISE IT! Simple as that your just going to make yourself look like a douche bag, a liar, a person who can't be trusted anymore.
I remember I had this one friend who I didn't talk to in a long time before cause she can just be so annoying with her calls. She would call me all the time during the day when I'm busy so I had to lose contact with her on purpose so I wouldn't get anymore calls. And so a few years go by and I did miss her I don't know why I guess it could be that we grew up together and I have a lot of my middle school memories with her. So anyways I find her on Facebook and add her as a friend I give her my phone number she calls it the next day and we start talking for a long time. And she asked for my address at first I wasn't sure if I should cause I don't want her stalking me cause sometimes she can be a little bit like that lol. But she says that she has something for me and she been keeping it for a time like this and that she was going to buy me some more things to put in the box. So I gave in and gave it to her so months go by and I still don't have my present I'm thinking to myself ''like wtf where's my damn present'' So she asks for my address again and finally I just said 'No I'm not giving it to you again so what? You can lose it again and then keep asking? No just look for it!'' And so that when she stopped asking for it and I still don't have my damn present and it been a year now.
I also have another friend that did what she did except this was before that other thing even started. This friend I won't give her name but I will say she was never a nice girl she a spoiled little brat that gets everything she wants and everything her way in life. I never liked her but I always had to put up with her spoiled little daddy's girl way, ughh. She says to me on the phone one day out of no where cause I remember thinking to myself this is random I never asked for anything and here she is saying she has something to send me. Now this was when my birthday had passed and she said to me at that time that this was a gift for me for my birthday that she missed out cause she didn't even call me on that day or even the week after. So I got a little excited cause she made it sound like I was going to like it and it was going to be good. She never sent it, NEVER EVEN HAD ANYTHING for me. I was so mad and so pist off cause it was the way said it and how she said it. I wanted to kill that stupid long haired, skanky wearing clothes, always gets what she wants BITCH!
If there's a lesson to be learned it NOT to trust anyone not even your
To all the people who lie or like to make believe your going to send someone a gift here a thought you can think of, How would you like to be treated? Is this what you want someone to do to you? Than when the same shit happens to you of what you did to someone on how you treated them don't complain just smile cause it that karma's wonderful way of saying ''what goes around comes around'' Now that something I can live with! You gotta love karma. ^_^
Remember: Treat others on how you would want to be treated.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sara Paxton
I know it been a really long ass time since I posted anything, that because I have been busy and one of the reasons was because my lap top had broke the one I use to use to post my blogs. And I had to share it with my boyfriend and then I didn't feel like blogging for a while cause I was out of my element. But now that we broke up and I have the computer all to myself again I can start blogging! I really was missing it and now I finally got it back!
So on to my blogging.. Sara Paxton has been my favorite for quite some time now. I really like her acting and I love the way she carries herself on tv I think she seems so innocent and I like that but I'm sure she not that innocent when she on her free time of course. Cause no one is that innocent not even myself! But that okay cause she not a tramp either I think she the kind of girl every guy should bring home to meet his mom she got that innocence that would make the mom love her and the secretive sex appeal that would make the guy even love her more! Lol.
I don't really know how tall she is I'm guessing somehwere between 5'5-5'7 she does seem like she would be taller than 5'4 but I know she not that tall cause when you see her standing next to someone especially people that are tall she stands up about 5-6 inches shorter than them so my guess is she around 5'5-5'7. But I don't know I'm just taking a guess here cause I never met her. But here some of her pictures and I'm sure you've seen atleast one movie of her cause she in a lot of little kids movies but now that she in her twenties I noticed she doing a lot more grown up films.. good for her! :)
So on to my blogging.. Sara Paxton has been my favorite for quite some time now. I really like her acting and I love the way she carries herself on tv I think she seems so innocent and I like that but I'm sure she not that innocent when she on her free time of course. Cause no one is that innocent not even myself! But that okay cause she not a tramp either I think she the kind of girl every guy should bring home to meet his mom she got that innocence that would make the mom love her and the secretive sex appeal that would make the guy even love her more! Lol.
I don't really know how tall she is I'm guessing somehwere between 5'5-5'7 she does seem like she would be taller than 5'4 but I know she not that tall cause when you see her standing next to someone especially people that are tall she stands up about 5-6 inches shorter than them so my guess is she around 5'5-5'7. But I don't know I'm just taking a guess here cause I never met her. But here some of her pictures and I'm sure you've seen atleast one movie of her cause she in a lot of little kids movies but now that she in her twenties I noticed she doing a lot more grown up films.. good for her! :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
So I've been thinking joining the U.S Navy for a while now I can't stop thinking about joining. I want to go and have been studying everything I need to know for when I go to bootcamp. For the past 2 years or so I have had the Navy in my mind now that I'm in desperate need of a job and can't get one in the civilian world. I so badly need to get in to the Navy. It my only hope of survival really cause I am so broke right now.
Any who, what I wanted to talk to you today was about these beautiful women in the 1940's that were called the WAVES. These women were so bold and so brave to enlist in the military all though a lot of them became officers because they had a 4 year degree and a good g.p.a to join as officer. I want to become a officer but unfortunately I don't have a 4 year degree so I have to be a enlisted which sucks cause I hear they don't get as much respect but do more work then officers!
I'm still not sure if I should join but this definately something I am looking in to cause I could see my self wearing the U.S Navy uniform. If those women back then can do it, and those women during that era were very prissy and girly then I'm sure I can do it also. A lot women now in days join as well and they made it and when they talk about the Navy a lot of them seem to love it.
The only branches that I hear a lot of negative talk is #1 Marines #2 Army everything else is more positive than negative. But of course the Navy does have it's up's or downs every branch does but it what you make of it is what matters. You have to want to join the military because you want to and it something you know you can handle. Don't just join for money cause when your in the military you'll be doing dangerous jobs that you won't really do in civilian world. You'll be risking your life for the Country so if you don't like the United States of America your not going to love being in the military cause that's who your serving for. So DON'T join if you hate your country that just wouldn't make sense.
Me? I love my Country so I know it's something that I want to do and I'm still considering on joining. I might contact a recruiter some time this year. Right now I'm just in the process of memorizing my stuff and getting fit before I join. :)
So heres the women that helped inspired me to really want to pursue this even more and to serve my Country the United States of America even more. The women from 1940-45 that were called the WAVES.
Thankyou women in the WAVES for your boldness and courage to join in the Navy to help women in the future to see that were not only used for slaving over a hot stove and cleaning up after men. That we can actually join the work force as men and to do what they do, but maybe (even better)! Lol. You have not only inspired me but showed that I have what it takes to do something that women long ago thought they couldn't.
Hope you enjoyed it I'm gonna go fix me something to eat for lunch. Laters! ;-)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Veronica Lake
My New favorite Idol that I found and love so much now. When I first heard about Veronica Lake I thought she was just another stupid sex icon in hollywood back then but now I know a little bit more about her. She may be beautiful and gorgeous and even though that can be a bit intimiding you can't help but love her cause she so gorgeous. She was a very short petite actress and even though she comes across on screen very bold and tall in all reality she was only 4'11 feet tall. Yea, I know that extremely short, 2 inches shorther than me and she was the same height as Judy Garland but I think they were famous in 2 different ereas. Any who, when I read about that I knew she was going to be my next Idol because I just love short woman. NOT ALL though just the ones who are glamorous and sophisticated not the slutty kinds, ok? Well here are some pictures of the Beautiful Veronica Lake. And I can't believe she was only 4'11! She looks sooooo tall on screen, lol.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
90's Flashback .... Flashback to Memory Lane
My 90's shows, movies, and cartoons that I use to watch as a kid. I know that there's a lot but the 90's was a 10 year decade so there was A LOT to watch back then. ENJOY!! :]

Boy Meets World

Full House
Growing Pains
Hangin with Mr. Cooper

Are you afraid of the dark?
Care Bears
Pinky and the Brain
Hey Arnold!
Power Rangers
Chip N' Dale and the Rescue Rangers
Step By Step
Family Matters
This is all the shows and movies I could think that I use to watch when I was a kid. It was a lot to think of and remember I think I got pretty much EVERYTHING that I did watch if theres anything that I could be missing that was on during the 90's or something very popular back then just let me know and I'll think of adding it if it's something I remember watching. I'm not going to put anything that I didn't watch cause this is a reflective of what I watch as a kid. Well I hope you enjoyed seeing all these old 90's shows and hoped it brought back memory lane of what you use to do as a kid. Let me know if you remember watching any of these shows I have here and what you remember most of the 90's. I'm off to bed now it's 1 am it took me 2 hours to get all this done having to remember all the shows I could possibly remember and looking them up well gotta go goodnite. :)
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