Monday, February 8, 2010


So I've been thinking joining the U.S Navy for a while now I can't stop thinking about joining. I want to go and have been studying everything I need to know for when I go to bootcamp. For the past 2 years or so I have had the Navy in my mind now that I'm in desperate need of a job and can't get one in the civilian world. I so badly need to get in to the Navy. It my only hope of survival really cause I am so broke right now.

Any who, what I wanted to talk to you today was about these beautiful women in the 1940's that were called the WAVES. These women were so bold and so brave to enlist in the military all though a lot of them became officers because they had a 4 year degree and a good g.p.a to join as officer. I want to become a officer but unfortunately I don't have a 4 year degree so I have to be a enlisted which sucks cause I hear they don't get as much respect but do more work then officers!

 I'm still not sure if I should join but this definately something I am looking in to cause I could see my self wearing the U.S Navy uniform. If those women back then can do it, and those women during that era were very prissy and girly then I'm sure I can do it also. A lot women now in days join as well and they made it and when they talk about the Navy a lot of them seem to love it.

The only branches that I hear a lot of negative talk is #1 Marines #2 Army everything else is more positive than negative. But of course the Navy does have it's up's or downs every branch does but it what you make of it is what matters. You have to want to join the military because you want to and it something you know you can handle. Don't just join for money cause when your in the military you'll be doing dangerous jobs that you won't really do in civilian world.  You'll be risking your life for the Country so if you don't like the United States of America your not going to love being in the military cause that's who your serving for. So DON'T join if you hate your country that just wouldn't make sense.

Me? I love my Country so I know it's something that I want to do and I'm still considering on joining. I might contact a recruiter some time this year. Right now I'm just in the process of memorizing my stuff and getting fit before I join. :)

So heres the women that helped inspired me to really want to pursue this even more and to serve my Country the United States of America even more. The women from 1940-45 that were called the WAVES.

Thankyou women in the WAVES for your boldness and courage to join in the Navy to help women in the future to see that were not only used for slaving over a hot stove and cleaning up after men. That we can actually join the work force as men and to do what they do, but maybe (even better)! Lol. You have not only inspired me but showed that I have what it takes to do something that women long ago thought they couldn't.

Hope you enjoyed it I'm gonna go fix me something to eat for lunch. Laters! ;-)
